Tuesday 31 October 2017

That last one was the last page.  But...I didn't put this image here.  I didn't - did I?  I remember spelling it out, letter by letter, like they tell me to.  Singing the song that helps. 

The streets of London, grey eminence intelligences in their high tower over the Court road  - caught road - singing information webs across the city - opposing the shifting grey ones in their quiet - we all went to AUSTRALIA, acronym Heaven.  Corporation Underworld, Hades fills in forms and stamps your rent book - he's there, too big eyes and grey fur, running down the fences - at night, at the bottom of your garden - look, it's your window he's outside -

Nine names - Nonadei - I - She went outside, bigger and wider, saw the edges of space and the greatest terror and oh, when you forget to be afraid, it's so beautiful -

That's the message.  Just that - ends of space and time, but still a quiet school afternoon in the sun that you forgot because it was just peace and stillness - don't you remember?  The sounds of happy voices  in the distance -


There's a curtain.  Here, next to me, whilst I type.  Got to stay focused on the words now.  Heavy curtain, across one corner of the room.  How long has that been there - why don't I remember - wait, there was one like this when I was so small, not this house though - what - what's behind FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS WORDS  - it's moving - there's a breeze, outside sounds - leaves -

FOCUS going to pull the curtain back and see - there's music there and cold air scares but - but - some scares are better than anything - I have to see -


Who is that? Who's at the door?

                                                                                                              ...so you see, that's why I'm here.

Monday 30 October 2017

Endpapers 1

Near the old school grounds, there's a canal path.  Leads to a tunnel.  I find myself troubled by that.  Why build a school so near a canal?  The towpath was all speckled tarmac and dock leaves.  I didn't follow it far; it lead to a tunnel, and I didn't much fancy dodging pigeons and rats, or whatever it was in there making all the scrabbling noises.

Funny thing, there was an old warning sign pasted up, half illegible.  Some sort of taking-care-by-the-water thing I suppose.  Just made me laugh, 'cause it said WATCH OUT in big letters, right over the tunnel mouth.

This project is nearly at an end now; I feel like it's run its course and we've done what we needed to.  Here's the first of the endpapers, probably relating to something in one of the missing literacy sections  at a guess.

Saturday 14 October 2017

Page 9

From the History section:  

Page 9: Selective History 

It's in this section that the series'/textbook's mascot first makes an appearance.  Apparently this was a puppet character of some description, but further details are hard to come by; no photographs survive and the cartoon representations in the text have been scribbled or scratched out, as has the character's name, though it appears to start with the letter 'R'.

I wish I knew who owned this copy, or how it ended up where it did.  I went back to the the old school grounds at the end of September; it's just wasteland now, grass and young trees.  I didn't stay long.  Ridiculous as it sounds, I had the feeling that - well, I wasn't exactly being followed, but got the impression that someone was hiding behind the fence at the edge of the cleared site.  I'm certain that I caught a glimpse of someone in grey moving quite fast.  Or possibly some biggish wild animal, a really large cat perhaps.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Page ???

I can't find the numbers any more, but I think that's part of it.  See, I don't know if I'm scared or something else now.

Look, they sent us a map.  Why am I...happy?

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Watch Out! - update

Two exciting uploads this week.  Firstly, a new scan.

I hadn't realised that there was some scrawl in the back cover of my edition.  I reproduce it here without comment, except a vague sense of concern over those initials.  Surely a coincidence?  It's well known that the Author never visited this country, except for the obvious occasion and I hardly think that he had time to vandalise a text book.

Our second piece is astonishing.  I received a package from a contact who prefers to remain anonymous at this time.  I'll quote from the note they included:

"...it was after I left LOCATION REMOVED AT AUTHOR'S REQUEST via the main front gate, that I started to feel an odd sense of disassociation, the strangest feeling...the main road, always so busy normally, was weirdly quiet and even the infamous commissionaire on the gate seemed to not be aware of me....

...it was at this point that I became aware of a ringing telephone.  This was startling enough; even at this point (around 19**) public telephones were becoming a rarity, through vandalism and lack of use.  There was something oddly insistent about the ringing of this one though, do you know what I mean?

They rang off, of course.  They always do.  But on the shelf, was a single reel-to-reel tape, labelled in Chinograph. It sounds ridiculous, but I swear to you, it felt just as though my blood ran cold when I saw the name.  It couldn't be chance.  How many other people would know what that name meant?  One thing I couldn't tell you is why I picked the damn thing up.

The second I did, the phone started ringing.  But I knew who it would be now  - at least I thought I did, seems now like there's more than one it could have been - and I knew I wasn't strong enough to answer, no matter which of them it was.

Listening to it, knowing the story...the Nine Faces.  I can't help but envy her."

The first extract is available at the link below.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Watch Out! Page 27

I'm sure it wasn't like this when I scanned it.  But then it wouldn't be, would it?  

What you have to ask is probably the wrong question.   

The problem may be that you assume that the second and third sentences are connected in any way.  Did you think of looking behind you?

Saturday 22 July 2017

From Watch Out, Page 19

I'm not sure what the time is.  What is the time?

Again, the scan didn't pick it up, but there's pencil writing on the margins of this page.  It reads:

"Six sums a day is far too many/None a day is why we wait"

I'm not sure why, but after I read that, I made sure that the office door was locked.  Not the first odd bit of behaviour I've been engaging in since I started scanning these pages.  For some reason, I get really jumpy whenever I see a satellite photo or two men drinking coffee at night.