Monday 25 April 2011

Bad Static...

There are lots of stories out there about television.  I like the scary ones.  Is that enough of a mission statement?

I became obsessed with TV at tragically young age; not the programmes as such, but the oddities.  The idents.  The adverts.  Public information films and unlisted test transmissions.  People would tell me stories about pirate stations or strange broadcasts in the small hours of the morning and I'd love it all.

It turns out that I'm not alone in this.  Go looking through any halfway decent creepypasta archive and you'll find lots of nicely disturbing fake stories about haunted shows or hidden/suppressed episodes.  Fake, as I say.  Fake.  Honestly.  It's not like this blog is part of some complicated disinformation double bluff or anything.

In actual fact, there were a (very) few genuine 'suppressed' episodes of various shows.   I'm going to talk about these, and quite a bit more besides.  I'll point out the obvious hoaxes and legends (Noel Edmonds never really killed anyone live at Saturday tea-time, despite what everyone said in the 1990s), discuss some wonderful pieces of internet creativity (surely you remember Candle Cove and its happy crew of screaming puppet things) and spot the really freaking weird stuff.  So, a guy really did die halfway through a live drama on the BBC,  someone who wasn't Max Headroom once showed porn at prime time and 'Gramaha Space Command' took over the East Anglia 6:00 News.

Most of this stuff is easy enough to find for yourselves, but like any self-obsessed blogger, this is all about me and my comments.  You might like it.  You might not.  Don't care.  So there.

OK then.  All ready?  There's a bad dream about Muppets waiting for us, and a newsreading man-eating penguin and an moth-eaten rabbit puppet that wants to talk about death.  Oh, and some very offensive subtitles that seem to be stalking a middle aged couple.  And we haven't even mentioned the forbidden cartoons or the spirit of dark and lonely water or the...

I'm getting ahead of myself.  Sit back.  Lights out. 

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