Saturday 28 January 2012

She Wants To Be Flowers

I'm planning a discussion on a certain 1969 spookfest (the title should pretty much give it away).  But whilst I tap away at it, I suddenly felt all visual.  Ghost Transmissions, I said to myself, what you need is an old school start-up sequence. 

So here, rushed together, photographed, "animated" and soundtracked by yours truly, is what you would have seen at 9:00 AM weekday morning in the early 1970s, had I been in charge.  A hint of BBC schools, a touch of Ghost Box Records, a smattering of Alan Garner.  Truly, a rush job and a bit of a botch, but weren't they all?  I may do more if you like them.  Actually, I'll do more whether you like them or not, you twisted monstrosities.

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