Saturday 14 October 2017

Page 9

From the History section:  

Page 9: Selective History 

It's in this section that the series'/textbook's mascot first makes an appearance.  Apparently this was a puppet character of some description, but further details are hard to come by; no photographs survive and the cartoon representations in the text have been scribbled or scratched out, as has the character's name, though it appears to start with the letter 'R'.

I wish I knew who owned this copy, or how it ended up where it did.  I went back to the the old school grounds at the end of September; it's just wasteland now, grass and young trees.  I didn't stay long.  Ridiculous as it sounds, I had the feeling that - well, I wasn't exactly being followed, but got the impression that someone was hiding behind the fence at the edge of the cleared site.  I'm certain that I caught a glimpse of someone in grey moving quite fast.  Or possibly some biggish wild animal, a really large cat perhaps.

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